Early Evening Bluebells Magic at Bramley Falls Park, Leeds

I consider myself lucky in a few ways in the current situation of coronavirus lockdown, one of them being that there is not one but four parks within walking distance of my home. I am also lucky that one of the parks, Bramley Falls, boasts a spectacular display of woodland bluebells at this time of year which, of course, I make sure I don't miss. They are about at their prime at the moment, so last Saturday evening I headed for the park, my camera slung over my shoulder, to take my daily exercise walk. The late April sun was slowly slipping towards the horizon casting warm spotlight on the trees and mellow dappled light on the carpets of bluebells. I love how their colour changed from pale pink to magenta, to purple and blue depending on the light in different parts of the woods. The atmosphere was truly enchanting, and I often stopped and stood still just absorbing fairy tale scenes, sweet spring scent of bluebells mingling with the smell of wild garlic here and there and the chee...