
Showing posts from January, 2021

Winter Still Life With Seed Heads

"Nature never did betray.... The heart that loved her, tis her privilege Through all the years of this our life to lead From joy to joy...... ~Edith Holden~   Etsy Shop

Winter Walk on Leeds - Liverpool Canal

  Yesterday I went for my usual Sunday walk with my Bestie. We walked from Kirkstall to Bramley Falls Park along Leeds - Bradford Road and back via the towpath of Leeds - Liverpool Canal. It was very cold, frosty and icy, but nevertheless a beautiful winter walk we both enjoyed very much.  Etsy Shop 

Lone Tree on Haworth Moor, Brontë Country

"It's calm and still and almost drear So utter is the solitude; But still I love to linger here And form my mood to Nature's mood - " ~ Emily Brontë ~ Aspin Castle Etsy Shop  

Walks With My Dog - Local, 15/01/21: After The Snowfall

  "Announced by all the trumpets of the sky, Arrives the snow, and, driving o'er the fields, Seems nowhere to alight: the whited air Hides hills and woods, the river, and the heaven, And veils the farm-house at the garden's end." ~ Ralph Waldo Emerson~ The Snow Storm Etsy Shop

December Wanderings on Penistone Hill, Haworth, Brontë Country

  "Down in the west The brimming plains beneath the sunset rest, One burning sea of gold." ~Archibald Lampman, Winter Evening~ Etsy Shop 

Winter At Sowdens Farm, Haworth, Brontë Country

  "A wrinkled crabbed man they picture thee, Old Winter, with a rugged beard as grey As the long moss upon the apple-tree; Blue-lipt, an icedrop at thy sharp blue nose, Close muffled up, and on thy dreary way Plodding alone through sleet and drifting snows." ~ Robert Southey ~  Etsy Shop