
June 2024

  Dusk in June Evening, and all the birds In a chorus of shimmering sound Are easing their hearts of joy For miles around. The air is blue and sweet, The few first stars are white,- Oh let me like the birds Sing before night. - Sara Teasdale -  Top Of Haworth Main Street Evening Stroll  Haworth Church Bells on Sunday afternoon Facebook Video  June 2024 Facebook Reel 

May 2024

  "The year's at the spring, And day's at the morn; Morning's at seven; the hill-side's dew-pearl'd; The lark's on the wing; The snail's on the thorn; God's in His heaven -  All's right with the world!" - Robert Browning - May 2024   Facebook Reel   Bridlington Harbour 

Pendle in Lancashire April '24

  From my visit to Pendle Hill area of Lancashire, beautiful countryside and home to the historic Pendle Witches. In 1612 a group of women and two men were accused of causing misfortune and death through witchcraft. They went on trial at Lancaster Castle and were subsequently executed.