
Showing posts from February, 2022

Still Life: February

Last Saturday we had an unexpected amount of snowfall. I enjoyed watching it through my little kitchen window which subsequently provided a backdrop for my monthly seasons related still life image. 

Happy Valentine's Day

  Much as I love celebrating seasons I don't observe Valentine's Day in the ways that are customary in today's world. I prefer to see the day as celebration of the general concept of love: love towards not just our other halves etc, but love towards others as well; love as a force that keeps the world going and is (or should be) at the heart of everything we do; love as a feeling not just towards humans, but also anything else, without which we cannot exist as happy beings. And for me personally that love very much includes the love towards Nature and Mother Earth. 

Walks With My Dog - Local, 4 Feb 2022

  "In seed time learn, in harvest teach, in winter enjoy." ~William Blake ~

Happy Imbolc - Earth Festival That Celebrates First Signs of Spring!

  I M B O L C   P r a y e r The festival of lights brings the promise of spring, Amid of the cold winter's dire sting, Snowdrops poke their heads through the soil, To herald the breaking of winter's bleak toil. Our spirits are stirred by the waking light, To focus our senses and strive for clear sight, Bride the Healer and Poetic Muse, Brings inspiration to conquer the blues. The grain is blessed and ready to plant, As we look ahead and plan the year's harvest, Joyfully we banish the word "can't". We kindle our resolution with inner light, And know we have the power to make a solution.