From Elterwater Towards Little Langdale, The Lake District

Last Saturday we came back from a lovely, relaxing seven day break in the Lake District. We stayed in my favourite Grasmere and shared the delightful Hollens Farm Cottage with our dear friends Liz and Dave. The weather was very good, especially the first couple of days. It only rained on our last day but by then it did not matter any more as we had already done a lot of walking, and we were more than happy to stay at the cottage just enjoying its old fashioned charm. I did not take as many photos as I would have done if I had not been in company, but I did end up with quite a few shots to process and share. It was a socializing and resting holiday in the first place; we all had a great time, and I would not change anything about it. Sunday, our first full day, was Valentine's day and also Liz's birthday. It was a beautiful, sunny day so we decided to start our holiday with a nice walk somewhere none of us had been before. We chose this walk from my little pocket size, much l...