Shades of Spring at Golden Acre Park, 22/05/13

These images were shot with the Nikon D40X camera which I have inherited from my brother-in-law. He only used it on holidays and kept it in pristine condition, but decided he now wanted something new. It is my first DSLR but not my first SLR. When I took up photography back in 1987 I was using a SLR and shooting b&w film which I processed in my makeshift darkroom at home. Then with the digital age I decided to start shooting colour and also to keep my camera simple and light so I opted for a point and shoot camera. Now the D40X is a lovely upgrade from my Nikon Coolpix P90 which I was not very pleased with from the start. The D40X produces much better quality images so I am content now.

Most of the beautiful spring blossom will have been gone in a week or so here in Yorkshire, so I decided to capture the last of it. And as usual, the most obvious place to go to was the lovely Golden Acre Park. It was a very nice, mellow afternoon with plenty of sunshine.

Some unusual, beautiful trees at the disused miniature railway that was connecting the main attractions of the park in the 1930s. Where I was standing was the Lakeland Station.

I always remember to go to this field in springtime because it's full of various trees in bloom. This year there is so many dandelions in the grass, perhaps more than I have ever seen. I love their cheerful yellow colour.

This is a tall, huge tree with most gorgeous hot pink blossom. I just loved standing underneath it in that fairly tale woodland atmosphere.

The display of colourful forget-me-nots really caught my eye. With the blossom in the background it made for a great springtime composition.

This is one of the several identical flower arrangements placed in an alternate pattern with benches against the wall at the back of the park's cafe. They look very attractive with their charming flower and colour combination.


  1. Predivna posveta cvijeću i proljeću!

  2. Absolutely gorgeous blossom and flowers. What a pretty disused station. Suzy x

  3. Dokaz da je priroda puno bogatija i jača, šarolikija od bilo kakve artificijelnosti!
    Predivne boje, kompozicije, učinila si da želim tuda hodati, sjesti, leći, jesti...
    Fotografije su ti jestive!

  4. Hvala, Isabella! Uvijek sam voljela tvoje komentare...


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