Celebration of Love

I am not the sort of person who celebrates anything very much but I do believe love should be celebrated. So unlike many cynics, I have nothing against Valentine's Day. Even more so because it gives me a special theme for a still life image. I know it's not very romantic but I told my darling Graeme I would be buying my own roses as I needed them well before the day. I wanted to make a Victorian looking still life and already knew what other elements of the image would be: a twig garland with a cloth love heart my dear friend Liz, who has a birthday on Valentine's Day, bought me a few years ago; a brass candle stick and an antique bottle and two glasses set from my dining room dresser. I am quite happy with the result although I understand some viewers may find it a bit too sentimental.


  1. Pnovo lijepa i prigodna kompozicija! Srčeko mi je "zakon"..:-)

  2. Hvala, Davore! Drago mi je da si spomenuo srceko. Ustvari, da nisam imala to srceko vjerojatno ne bi bilo ni slike.


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