The village of Dockray, The Lake District, Cumbria

I haven't taken any new photos for the past few weeks. I was ill with the flu when we had a spell of heavy snow, and "the beast from the east" was thrashing England. Then I started a new job, which for me is a bit like starting a new life, so while I am in training and finding my feet in the new job and new circumstances of living I have put my photography on the back burner. However, when it's time to relax I like nothing more than editing photos, and I decided to look in my archives for something to process for a blog post. The weather has not been nice: low, wintry temperatures, another bout of heavy snow followed by incessant rain and then more snow. It's already mid March, and I'm sure everyone is, like I am, eagerly awaiting a turn in the weather and some much welcome signs of spring. In this spirit I thought I'd share a few photos I took in the beautiful August weather of 2016, when we were on holiday at Ullswater, one of the lakes in the wonderful...