Haworth Parsonage on Charlotte Brontë's Birthday (21/04/2017)

Incidentally my birthday falls two days after Charlotte Brontë 's, so I feel I have a motive to celebrate my birthday. In fact, one could say I celebrate my birthday by celebrating Charlotte's. Last year I stayed for a couple of nights in Haworth (where the Brontës lived and wrote all their work) , and this year I treated myself to the same. In the morning I visited the village of Thornton for a first time, the Brontë sisters birthplace, which I will be blogging about in my next post, and then I headed to my favourite Haworth. I enjoyed the lovely feeling of no need to rush to go back to Leeds, so I took a leisurely stroll around the Parsonage and happily snapped away with my camera. It was a gorgeous spring late afternoon. I let the photos speak for themselves.