Rose Castle Cottage, The Lake District

I photographed this remote, lone cottage back in May, on my last visit to the Lakes. We went for a walk around Tarn Hows with its spectacular views, and this cottage, situated above the lake, about 20 minutes away, was a great finish to the walk. I fell in love as soon as I saw it. I took many photos from different distances and angles because I knew I would be able to make a few different images. It was a grey and dull day which was better for photography then blazing sunshine seeing overcast weather is much more manageable and easier to work with in post processing. There was no sky detail in the original so I added a texture layer that also included sky and clouds and played with the colours a bit. I went for a serene and airy look. I think carefully before I use bird brushes and here I felt they do add to the magic of the image. The cottage is part of the National Trust and is available to rent. Although it has a lovely interior it is apparently basic as far as utilities and elect...