Buttercups Season

I have recently purchased some textures hand made by Distressed Jewell, a very talented American rural photographer whom I admire greatly and derive a lot of inspiration from. Here are the ULRs of her Flickr photostream and her Textures blog: https://www.flickr.com/photos/jewellofdistressed/ http://www.distressedtextures.net/ There are plenty of free textures on Flickr and elsewhere on internet but sometimes it is nice to treat yourself to some special ones as they are inexpensive anyway. I love Jewell's textures and feel they are most effective on images with plenty of sky or plain background, something I would like to do more of. As I have felt quite adventurous lately I also decided to try actions in post processing. I have wanted to try them for a long time because I was amazed at tones they produce but felt a bit daunted because I struggled to understand what they are and how they work. After reading a few tutorials on how to download, install and use actions and a lot of ...