Tower Bank Arms and Hill Top, Sawrey, Lake District, 31/08/2011

The weather and lighting conditions have been appalling, and what with Christmas preparations I normally start in the second half of November time for taking pictures have virtually been non existent. Thankfully, I always have some photos in the archives that are worth digging out and processing. The ones bellow are taken on my visit to the village of Sawrey and Beatrix Potter's farm and cottage, Hill Top. I love Beatrix Potter. She is one of the women who inspires me the most. Every time I need a bit of mental boost I reach for one her books, whether it is one of her children's stories, her biography or anything published to do with her - I have it all. The Tower Bank Arms is the village pub that features in Beatrix's illustrations and stories. I have just processed the image, while the rest of the images I processed previously and uploaded to my Flickr photostream. The second image is my personal tribute to Beatrix. It is a shot of the bench outside her cottage window an...